Heaven at the Edges
I’ve seen it
I’ve seen Heaven poke its toe in under the curtain
There where light meets water and waves dance glory
I’ve seen it where the sun peeks round the fireline edge of a cloud
Like a groom looking shyly for his bride
I’ve seen it at the place where spring kisses winter to bloom
And where green gives birth to cooling gold
I’ve felt its silk in newborn skin
And breathed its ache at the side of a grave
Where flesh meets clay and the veil thins
I’ve heard it catch in a throat as a sob becomes a laugh
And it’s risen out of flames where ashes end and beauty takes flight
Heaven’s horizon isn’t far off
It’s here and here and here
In familiar lines and creases
At the tips of fingers and in the pulse and stretch of hearts
It’s where we see
And the seeing pulls us thin like glass
And we’re shot through with truth
Just beyond
At the end of ourselves
And the beginning of all things
Beth, So beautifully expressed. Love how you write.