Again and Again

We’re in a season of some pretty big change in our house. Our oldest is leaping from childhood into the strange new world of college classes, car insurance, and grown-up decisions and responsibilities. And for the first time in his ministry career, my husband is serving primarily adults instead of teens. He’s upgraded his goatee to a full beard and his office décor from a plunger in a vase (seriously) to coordinating wall art and real, live potted plants.

I love my new role with Wycliffe Women of the Word – like really, really LOVE it – but after years of homeschool and coffee dates and leading Bible studies and writing mostly whenever the whim hit, it feels weird to have deadlines and an editor and a swanky new podcast on the horizon. (I told my unendingly patient editor that I’m unsure where I’m supposed to cast these pods and what kind of pods we’re talking about. Seed pods? Tide pods? Pods of whales??? She laughed. And probably wondered if asking me to cohost with her was the best idea after all…)

Even our youngest hit a new stage of independence this summer, attending her first ever week of sleep-away camp and coming home scraped, sunburned, and already begging to go again every year in the future until she’s old enough to work there. My baby isn’t a baby anymore.

Our days look pretty different than they did a year ago. It’s good, but I have to be honest that at times all the newness feels a bit overwhelming.

The winds of change blowing over us right now, though, look like nice kite flying weather compared to some of the monster hurricanes we’re watching bear down on people we love.

Our good friends, who had been counting the days until they could get off a plane from overseas and hug their whole family, instead returning home to an empty space at the table and an unexpected memorial service…

A precious young couple, who should have been celebrating double when their second son was born exactly two years to the day after their first, instead rejoicing through thick tears as they took their tiny boy to see his big brother’s grave…

A courageous single mama, who has prayed and wept and trusted God for miraculous healing, instead watching everything she’s known slip away…

Just seeing it unfold steals my breath.

And I’ve seen it so many times – again and again – sudden change whipping hard against fragile lives, tearing down plans and dreams, sometimes leaving not much more than a bare foundation under scattered debris.

But these dear ones of ours would tell you something else that steals my breath, even now before the winds die down. It’s something we’ve also learned through our own storm:

That bare foundation? It’s enough. God’s character is solid underneath our weaving feet. He’s still the Rock when nothing else looks familiar. And we rebuild as we drive each moment deep into Him by reminding ourselves again and again of truth, just like the writer of Psalm 136:

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the God of gods.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to him who alone does mighty miracles.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to him who made the heavens so skillfully.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to him who placed the earth among the waters.
His faithful love endures forever.
Give thanks to him who made the heavenly lights—
His faithful love endures forever.
the sun to rule the day,
His faithful love endures forever.
and the moon and stars to rule the night.
His faithful love endures forever.” (v. 1-9, NLT)


We can say it, too, again and again.

Give thanks to the Lord when the future’s uncertain. His faithful love endures forever.

He welcomes our inexperience. His faithful love endures forever.

He meets us where we feel not-enough. His faithful love endures forever.

He holds us in our questions and grief. His faithful love endures forever.

Gives us joy even when our hearts are broken wide open. His faithful love endures forever.

Keeps us together when our whole world falls apart. His faithful love endures forever.

Yesterday. His faithful love endures forever.

Today. His faithful love endures forever.

And tomorrow. His faithful love endures forever and ever and ever.

Let’s say it again and again. Hammer our hope deep into the Solid Rock. Again and again and again.

Hey friends, thanks for your patience as you’ve waited far too long for a new post. I’ve been up to my eyeballs in my work for Wycliffe Women of the Word, as well as getting our oldest ready to launch.

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